Most Loved Design Ads Set 2 Digital Download
A collection of cropped square 8.5x8.5 pages with 8 selected artworks at half size. These are our most loved graphic design art masterpieces. Beautiful fine art designs to use creatively in scrapbooking, paper crafts, and other diy arts and crafts projects. The possibilities are endless. Coordinating modern dot pattern for the reverse side of each artwork page.
This is a digital download that you print at home.
A collection of cropped square 8.5x8.5 pages with 8 selected artworks at half size. These are our most loved graphic design art masterpieces. Beautiful fine art designs to use creatively in scrapbooking, paper crafts, and other diy arts and crafts projects. The possibilities are endless. Coordinating modern dot pattern for the reverse side of each artwork page.
This is a digital download that you print at home.

A collection of cropped square 8.5x8.5 pages with 8 selected artworks at half size. These are our most loved graphic design art masterpieces. Beautiful fine art designs to use creatively in scrapbooking, paper crafts, and other diy arts and crafts projects. The possibilities are endless. Coordinating modern dot pattern for the reverse side of each artwork page.
This is a digital download that you print at home.
How do digital downloads work?
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Note: Download Links expire in 24 hours. We cannot offer refunds on digital downloads after they have been downloaded.